At some point in their lives, everyone will experience the frustration and (hopefully) elation of saving up for something they want. Whether it’s saving up for a video game as a kid, saving up for a car as a young adult or saving a deposit for your first house, the same principals apply – discipline, planning and consistency. With those in mind, here a few saving hints to help you become a more successful saver:

Write it down. 

You will never know how much you can save, if you don’t know how much you currently spend. The best way to get a clearer picture of your spending habits is to sit down for 30 minutes and write down every single expenditure, from utility bills and rent, to the chocolate bar you purchased on your way home from work.

Set an amount. Set a deadline.

When do you want to buy your home? Is it 6 months, 2 years or 5 years from now? And how much do you need to save for your chosen price rang? Knowing when and where you want to move will help you work out just how tight your budget should be. Should you find that your sacrificing those non-negotiable items, like food, rent, and utilities, then your deadline will need to be pushed back or your chosen house price range will need to be revised.

Speak to a specialist.

Advice from someone well versed in financial matters could help you achieve your dream sooner. Ask our team about debt consolidation or alternative deposit solutions as a way of speeding up the saving process.



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